Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ya'll, I need, no, have to have some apple recipes.

Molly Moo and myself went apple picking this past Friday with her preschool class, and to date, we have created the following from our peck of picking:

  • Two gallon-sized freezer zippy bags full of peeled, cored, and sliced Macintosh and Golden Delicious apples. These are for Big Daddy and Turkey Day. Since he has the better recipe for apple pie and all, I figure I do not want to hurt his feelings. It's only fair, don't you think?
  • An apple pound cake. We are going to dinner tonight with friends, and I was asked to bring dessert. Figuring that I don't really enjoy fruit flies and all, I searched until I found something to make with a few apples. Four down, only forty more to go. Sigh.
  • A few pint jars of apple butter. I found a recipe online that allowed me to make apple butter with my crockpot on during our sleeping hours. Good point to all of my slaving during my sleep? The house smelled like apple cinnamon potpourri this morning when we all got up. Trey, however, said that the pleasant, expensive-smelling aroma was reminiscent of "stink." But what do you expect from a seven-year old boy? One who enjoys, how do I say this without offending anyone, the process of pooting. There. I said it. Ewwwww, huh?

    So, ya'll, I need help. If you have any kind of apple recipe (sweet, savory, etcetera), please send it to me. I would GREATLY appreciate it! And so would the rest of the Green Family. We all wait with apple-scented, baited breath!

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